About Me.

I'm Kate Perry, I have been a mindfulness meditator and yoga practitioner for nearly 20 years. My passion has always been in teaching, and I have been a high school history and English teacher for 15 years.  And received the Contra Costa County Teacher of the Year Award in 2016.

More recently I received my yoga teacher certification and became trained to teach Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - MBSR, to both teens and adults. 

The pandemic brought home to me how much stress and anxiety most of us feel, and I decided it was time to start teaching these skills myself. I am so excited to bring these life changing classes to our area!

Why I Started the Business

A Bit More About Me

What Brought Me To Mindfulness?

I found mindfulness because I was burning out as a teacher of at-risk youth. And I didn’t want to leave my profession. I was a new mother, and only a few years into teaching, and starting to experience panic attacks. I was reaching a breaking point, something had to change. I had already tried meditation in college, but needed support and more education to try it again. I found that group at the San Francisco Zen Center.

Over the course of a couple of years, meditation helped me find joy and calm in my life, really for the first time. Mindfulness meditation helped me recognize how much of my stress came from my thoughts constantly wanting to worry about the past and future - rehashing and rehearsing. Exhausting!

I also recognized how often I said yes to things that I didn’t really have time for because I was not keeping my priorities in life at the forefront of my mind, and making decisions based on those. Mindfulness meditation gave me the space to understand why I did this and then allowed me to make changes to my life to better line up my priorities with my decision-making.