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Class Info Meetings

Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Class

February 22nd @6:00- 7pm

Benicia Fitness

Talk on How to Help Your Teens Lower Their Stress Levels

March TBD @ 6:30pm

Vallejo Public Library - Springstowne Branch

Heard that Mindfulness can Reduce Your Stress?

It’s true! In a review of over 200 studies on the impacts of mindfulness they found that “found mindfulness-based therapy was especially effective for reducing stress, anxiety and depression” (Click here for the full article) How cool is that?!

And so, you want to give it a try? This workshop is the perfect place to start. We will try out several kinds of mindfulness meditation (no yoga bodies, pants or mats required), and leave plenty of space for the questions and confusions that come up along the way.

We will also discuss the way stress feels and how mindfulness can provide us with more skillful ways to handle those feelings both in our bodies and minds.

Looking for a way to overcome your burnout?

Mindfulness can help you find joy, calm and space in your life. You will learn to focus on the present moment and let go of the rehashing and rehearsing that our thoughts so want to do.


Teen Stress Reduction Course


Fat Girl Yoga Classes